I tend to believe in this calling, as my inner self is always trying to grasp it, and when it can't or when I distance myself from its path, it makes me feel sad, down, anguished, or any of those types of bad emotions. If you are an agnostic, I would describe those nodes to you as a main theme for your life that, if you followed, would make you feel like the right thing is being done, bringing you peace of mind and enjoyment of your life experience.
Exactly what would be those nodes? They are not physical bodies, as planets, but 2 specific positions in space representing the intersection of the plane of the ecliptic of Earth (path the suns apparently does around the Earth during an year as seen in Figure below) and the plane of Moon revolution around our planet.
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Figure 1 - Plane of the Ecliptic (1) |
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Figure 2 - Nodes of Moon |
The North Node
is when the intersection that the Moon passes when is coming from the South Celestial Pole of Earth in Direction to the North Celestial Pole. The South Node
is the intersection that the Moon passes coming from the North Pole to the South Pole. That means the North Node and South Node, as you can see from Figure 2, will always be opposite from each other in your birth chart (that captures the positions of the planets in the Ecliptic Plane).

When we talk about North Node, as the own name implies, it means an orientation of the main direction you would feel fulfilled if you followed it along your life. The South Node are behaviors, paths, a basic view of life that won't work anymore in this present life (if you believe in reincarnation and past lives). It might work for others, but is something you should see as the modus operandi you should leave aside as a guiding line for your life.
In the next posts, the meaning of each North Node in the 12 Zodiac Signs will be discussed and exemplified.
If you don't know the position of your North Node, you can check easily it in the North Node Sign Table provided by Cafeastrology: http://www.cafeastrology.com/northnodetables.html.
References for the images:
(1)http://www.herongyang.com/astrology_horoscope/Astronomy_The_Ecliptic.html; http://www.wikipedia.com
(2) http://www.astrologyclub.org/articles/nodes/nodes.htm
Researching the moon nodes for the action of astrology which is really informative. Thanks for the sharing. Astrological gemstones in Coimbatore | Kalpana Srikaanth astrologer